Black and white image of a group of women marching down a wide avenue.
Library of Congress LC-DIG-hec-06876.

Teacher Workshop
Service to Suffrage: Military Service and the Expansion of the Right to Vote

Saturday, March 29, 2024    

Free | For Educators of Grades K-12
This event will take place rain or shine. This event will include steps on and off a shuttle, and some walking and standing outside.

The right to vote is central to our modern understanding of U.S. citizenship, reflecting our commitment to a government “of the people, by the people, for the people.” Yet this right was not always universal. Throughout American history, the courage and sacrifice of men and women in military service have driven changes to voting rights, leading to two constitutional amendments over 143 years that granted all citizens—regardless of race or gender—the right to vote.

Join Ford’s Theatre and Arlington National Cemetery as we explore how military service has influenced the expansion of the elective franchise and seek a deeper understanding of how sacrifices for freedom have often led to greater inclusion in the democratic process.

Participants may request a letter certifying three (3) hours of professional development.


9:30 a.m. Opening Presentation in the Multipurpose Room at the Welcome Center.

10:00 a.m. Tour Arlington National Cemetery

12:00 p.m. Closing Discussion in the Multipurpose Room at the Welcome Center.

12:30 p.m. Program Concludes


This teacher workshop will take place at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). When you arrive to the Welcome Center, you’ll have to go through a security screening line and you may need to present a government ID. Lines can be long to enter the cemetery so we recommend arriving early.

Getting to Arlington National Cemetery

  • Metro: The cemetery is also a stop on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s Metrorail system. Arlington Cemetery station, on Metro’s Blue line, is a short walk from the Welcome Center.
  • Driving: The address is 1 Memorial Ave, Arlington VA, 22211.  


  • We have received permission for workshop participants to park within ANC in the employee parking lot. If you would like to park within ANC, please follow the instructions on your ticket confirmation to submit the parking request form by end of day Wednesday, March 19.
  • When you arrive, you will drive through two checkpoints: At the first checkpoint, you’ll need to give your name; at the second checkpoint, you’ll need to provide your driver’s license.
  • If you do not fill out the form by March 19, you can still park at ANC in the visitor parking garage. The garage is $3 per hour, with a daily maximum of $12.

Where to Meet

  • We will begin the day at the Welcome Center in the Multi-Purpose Room.
  • Please plan to arrive between 9:00-9:30am.

What to Bring

  • Please bring your own pen or pencil. We will provide all other materials.
  • Bags are permitted in the cemetery. Consider bringing a water bottle.
  • Please dress for the weather. We recommend wearing comfortable walking shoes since the cemetery tour will include walking portions.
  • Ford’s Theatre and ANC will be taking photographs of the event and asks that we refrain from wearing shirts with large graphics or messages. If you do not want your image to be used, please speak to a Ford’s or ANC staff member.

This program was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services [MA-252940-OMS-23].